What we do

Aquera System

aquera system

Ecological Footprint

aquera footprint

Aquera Community

future city

Aquera System

The Aquera America Foundation has developed an innovative software solution that measures patterns in voice and brain frequencies and translates these into various degrees of personal and emotional well-being.
Using advanced computer technology, the Aquera software is able to connect vocal vibrations and brain waves to emotions. The system identifies and determines the underlying emotions by relating the vocal or brainwave input to the algorithms of specific processes in different parts of the brain.
Once the analysis is completed, it is possible to restore emotional balance, using personalized sound frequencies. These unique frequencies can be combined with our light device, one of our recent enhancements to the system.
ecological content

Ecological Footprint

The industrial society's way of life provided advances to mankind. However, the practices of dominating nature and the logic of accumulation have been shown to be harmfull to the balance of the planet.
To overcome this practices, we have to rethink our way of life. A more balanced way of living requires ecologically sustainable solutions. The Aquera America Foundation supports the development of technological solutions that aim to achieve socio-enviromental balance.

Aquera Community

Technology has transformed and connected the world in ways we could not have imagined 30 years ago. However, this has not seldom gone at the expense of the planet's natural resources.
To reduce the damage we need to rethink our way of occupying space, using technology as an ally in promoting the balance between man and nature.
Aquera Community is a space to share knowledge, research and experiments all whilst ensuring sustainable usage of the natural resources that are available.
future city



Our support department is happy to help you out with all your technical questions, software support, questions about partnerships and any other question you may have. Feel free to contact us directly or use the webform in the Contact section below.

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Aquera BV Holland
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Regards from the Aquera BV Holland