What we do

Software System

aquera system

Ecological Footprint

aquera footprint


future city

Voice Analysis

Any company or individual suggesting that Aquera B.V. or aquera.org has legal liability for content that is published on another website than aquera.org is illegally doing so without authorization. The owners of this website and domain name aquera.org are not responsible for and have not authorized content that is published on any other website, for example aquerasystem.com.br or any social media account that is marketing any product with the same name.
The worldwide distribution rights of the software VAEEG are exclusively managed by Aquera B.V. in the Netherlands
ecological content

Ecological Footprint

The industrial society's way of life provided advances to mankind. However, the practices of dominating nature and the logic of accumulation have been shown to be harmfull to the balance of the planet.

future city


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Aquera BV Holland
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Regards from the Aquera BV Holland